Quotes and Charts
Dividend Calculator


Welcome to SYN’s Analysis Center, a tool developed for investors where it is possible to analyze company fundamentals, balance sheets, income statements and cash flows, as well as track the history of stock prices through graphs and tables automatically updated from regulatory agencies’ data sources.

Another interesting feature is the upcoming events section, which allows you to check the date of important events such as the disclosure of quarterly and annual results, as well as shareholder meetings and other relevant events. The Analysis Center also has a SYN Dividend Calculator, a tool for calculating the amount of dividends received by a shareholder over a period of time by entering a position in number of SYN shares.


Listing IBOV
Ticker SYNE3
Market Cap (R$ million) -

Board of Directors

Name Position
Elie Horn Chairman of the Board
Leo Krakowiak Vice-Chairman of the Board
Claudio Bruni Independent Board Member
José Carlos Reis de Magalhães Neto Independent Board Member
Kristian Schneider Huber Independent Board Member
Flavio Celso Pripas Independent Board Member

Upcoming Events

Date Event

Contact IR

Thiago Muramatsu
Hector Bruno Franco de Carvalho Leitão
Filipe Novi David
Bruno Silvestre

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3600 – 14th floor – Itaim Bibi
Zip: 04538-132 – São Paulo/SP – Brazil
Phone: (11) 5412-7601

Date Title
Date Title
In Millions of Reais (BRL)


Disclosure of Results
More than one event
Other Events

Upcoming Events

Date Event Time Local Export

Past Events

Date Event
Date Return per Action Monthly return Database Pay day

“The calculation is performed considering the position in the number of shares on the first day of the informed start month until the last day of the informed end month.”